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Salome Francis Photography / Sinfonia Cymru

I am a professional storyteller working in the Welsh oral tradition. I tell stories in Welsh and English, working with a wide repertoire of Celtic mythology, legends, and folktales, alongside stories from all over the world. I work with story in lots of different ways: telling them from memory in schools, festivals, museums and theatres, creating new shows for adult and family audiences, running storytelling workshops, and writing and directing for theatre.

I am a highly experienced workshop leader, running energetic and playful workshops in schools and community settings that build creativity, confidence, and communication skills.

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To find out more about my work, or to book me for an event, please click here.


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Explore collaborations and how to work with me


I have worked as a freelance storyteller for over a decade, delivering workshops and performances in schools, community settings, theatres, and festivals with a range of audiences.


I hold a first class BA from the University of Birmingham in Drama & Theatre Arts and a Masters in Theatre Directing, with a focus on storytelling on the contemporary stage. I worked as a freelance Engagement Producer for Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival and was a founding panel member of Chwedl, the Welsh women's storytelling network.

I am part of the steering group for Casglu, a regular networking and skillsharing space for people working within the oral tradition, and I represented Wales at the Montréal Storytelling Festival in 2023, and the Federation of European Storytelling Conference in 2024.

In 2016, I was awarded the Gwobr Esyllt Harker Award by Beyond the Border for an emerging Welsh woman storyteller, and the UK Young Storyteller of the Year Award in 2013, alongside the Welsh Prize and the People's Prize by audience vote.

Past partnerships and collaborations have included: Sinfonia Cymru, Green Man Festival, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, National Museums Wales, Alden Biesen Storytelling Festival, Festival at the Edge, and the National Trust.

Currently, I am an Associate Artist with Awen Cultural Trust.


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"For a storyteller, voice should be a thing of power and beauty. Tamar Williams moves seamlessly between speech and song to create magic."

Taffy Thomas, Storyteller Laureate

Upcoming solo performances

Saturday March 1st: Fairytales from Wales

11am Maesteg Town Hall, 2pm Bryngarw House

Thursday March 6th: World Book Day Storytelling

Various times, Trago Mills

Saturday April 5th: Sleepwalking Along the Severn

7pm Severnside Press, Newnham

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